Runs the effort-weighted Log Gaussian Cox Process species distribution model
- formula
A formula of the form
y ~ x1 + x2 + ...
.- dmesh
A list with elements produced by the different
functions.- effort
Logical. Whether to adjust the model for effort. Default
.- adjust
Logical. Whether to adjust the effort for being species specific. Default
.- buffer
Logical. Whether to add the effort buffer to help reducing prediction outside of the species range. Default
.- orthogonal
Logical. Whether to make the spatial field orthogonal to the predictors? Default
.- prior.beta
Normal priors for the betas of the fixed effects coefficients as required by
. Default islist(prec=list(default=1/(1)^2,Intercept=1/(20)^2),mean=list(default=0,Intercept=0))
which means a prior withmean = 0
andsd = 1
for all coefficients and a prior withmean = 0
andsd = 20
for the model intercept. See?control.fixed
.- prior.range
Penalized complexity prior for the range of the spatial field. A vector of length two giving the probability that the range is inferior to a given value. The default is
prior.range = c(50, 0.01)
which represents a 1% chance that the range is inferior to 50 (in the units of the crs used).- prior.sigma
Penalized complexity prior for the standard deviation (sd) of the spatial field. A vector of length two giving the probability that the sd is superior to a given value. The default is
prior.sigma = c(1, 0.01)
which represents a 1% chance that the range is superior to 1.- smooth
- ...
Further arguments to pass to
Simpson, D. Illian, J. B., Lindgren, F. S, S. H. and Rue, H. 2016. Going off grid: computationally efficient inference for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Biometrika, 103(1): 49-70
Fuglstad, G.-A., Simpson, D., Lindgren, F. & Rue, H. 2019 Constructing Priors that Penalize the Complexity of Gaussian Random Fields. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114(525): 445-452