The function downloads and returns a list or dataframe containing observations with a single record per row. The function returns a dataframe containing all records if no parameters are specified (STRONGLY DISCOURAGED DUE TO LARGE AMOUNT OF OBSERVATIONS CONTAINED WITHIN ATLAS). The function filters returned records by attributes corresponding to atlas table columns specified as parameters (ie. id, year_obs, id_taxa, id_datasets, id_variables, fid_region, etc) with accepted values either being scalar or vector for single or multiple records.

  id = NULL,
  year = NULL,
  id_taxa = NULL,
  region_fid = NULL,
  geometry = TRUE,
  within_quebec = NULL,



Optional. integer scalar or vector. Returns a dataframe for the observation with the specified id


Optional. integer scalar or vector. Returns a dataframe for the observations related to the id_taxa


Optional. integer scalar or vector. Returns a dataframe for the taxa_obs record related to the value. id_taxa is translated to id_taxa_obs


Optional. logical default NULL. If TRUE, returns only observations within Quebec. If FALSE, returns only observations outside Quebec. If NULL, returns all observations.


Optional. scalar or vector. Returns a dataframe filtered by the atlas observations table columns specified as parameter (ie. id_datasets, id_variables, month_obs, day_obs)


Optional. integer scalar or vector. Returns observations for the region with the specified id


Optional. integer default 4. Number of cores used to parallelize and improve rapidity


tibble with rows associated with Atlas observations