Dowloading observations

Get started quickly : Get Canis Lupus observations from Atlas

Observations within Atlas may be downloaded using the get_observations functions. To filter our request to the dataset, we will use the function get_taxa() to obtain first the Canis Lupus taxa data. We then use it as a filter to get observations and then display the first 10 records.

taxa <- get_taxa(scientific_name = "Canis lupus")
obs <- get_observations(id_taxa = taxa$id_taxa_obs)
head(obs, 10)
#> Simple feature collection with 10 features and 26 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -78.1842 ymin: 45.6703 xmax: -74.1119 ymax: 47.9661
#> Geodetic CRS:  +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84
#>           id year_obs month_obs day_obs time_obs value within_quebec variable
#> 1  150572996     2011         3      29     <NA>     1          TRUE presence
#> 2  150573004     2011         3      11     <NA>     1          TRUE presence
#> 3  150573006     2011         2      12     <NA>     1          TRUE presence
#> 4  150573007     2011         2      11     <NA>     1          TRUE presence
#> 5  150573008     2011        12       4     <NA>     1          TRUE presence
#> 6  150573009     2011         2      21     <NA>     1          TRUE presence
#> 7  150573010     2011        12       4     <NA>     1          TRUE presence
#> 8  150573012     2011        12       4     <NA>     1          TRUE presence
#> 9  150573013     2011         4      26     <NA>     1          TRUE presence
#> 10 150573014     2011        12       2     <NA>     1          TRUE presence
#>    variable_unit id_taxa_obs taxa_observed_scientific_name
#> 1                       8420                   Canis lupus
#> 2                       8420                   Canis lupus
#> 3                       8420                   Canis lupus
#> 4                       8420                   Canis lupus
#> 5                       8420                   Canis lupus
#> 6                       8420                   Canis lupus
#> 7                       8420                   Canis lupus
#> 8                       8420                   Canis lupus
#> 9                       8420                   Canis lupus
#> 10                      8420                   Canis lupus
#>    taxa_valid_scientific_name taxa_vernacular_en taxa_vernacular_fr
#> 1                 Canis lupus          Gray wolf               Loup
#> 2                 Canis lupus          Gray wolf               Loup
#> 3                 Canis lupus          Gray wolf               Loup
#> 4                 Canis lupus          Gray wolf               Loup
#> 5                 Canis lupus          Gray wolf               Loup
#> 6                 Canis lupus          Gray wolf               Loup
#> 7                 Canis lupus          Gray wolf               Loup
#> 8                 Canis lupus          Gray wolf               Loup
#> 9                 Canis lupus          Gray wolf               Loup
#> 10                Canis lupus          Gray wolf               Loup
#>    taxa_group_en taxa_group_fr
#> 1        Mammals    Mammifères
#> 2        Mammals    Mammifères
#> 3        Mammals    Mammifères
#> 4        Mammals    Mammifères
#> 5        Mammals    Mammifères
#> 6        Mammals    Mammifères
#> 7        Mammals    Mammifères
#> 8        Mammals    Mammifères
#> 9        Mammals    Mammifères
#> 10       Mammals    Mammifères
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          taxa_vernacular_sources
#> 1  [ { "name": "Loup", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116906893", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Mammal Species of the World", "source_taxon_key": "100690180", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "United Kingdom Species Inventory (UKSI)", "source_taxon_key": "180180055", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Grey wolf", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Dog", "source": "Checklist Dutch Caribbean Species Register", "source_taxon_key": "181871863", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Grey wolf, wolf", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "The Paleobiology Database", "source_taxon_key": "121511553", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116892115", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Checklist of Vermont Species", "source_taxon_key": "205802359", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "fra" } ]
#> 2  [ { "name": "Loup", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116906893", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Mammal Species of the World", "source_taxon_key": "100690180", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "United Kingdom Species Inventory (UKSI)", "source_taxon_key": "180180055", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Grey wolf", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Dog", "source": "Checklist Dutch Caribbean Species Register", "source_taxon_key": "181871863", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Grey wolf, wolf", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "The Paleobiology Database", "source_taxon_key": "121511553", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116892115", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Checklist of Vermont Species", "source_taxon_key": "205802359", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "fra" } ]
#> 3  [ { "name": "Loup", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116906893", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Mammal Species of the World", "source_taxon_key": "100690180", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "United Kingdom Species Inventory (UKSI)", "source_taxon_key": "180180055", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Grey wolf", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Dog", "source": "Checklist Dutch Caribbean Species Register", "source_taxon_key": "181871863", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Grey wolf, wolf", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "The Paleobiology Database", "source_taxon_key": "121511553", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116892115", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Checklist of Vermont Species", "source_taxon_key": "205802359", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "fra" } ]
#> 4  [ { "name": "Loup", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116906893", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Mammal Species of the World", "source_taxon_key": "100690180", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "United Kingdom Species Inventory (UKSI)", "source_taxon_key": "180180055", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Grey wolf", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Dog", "source": "Checklist Dutch Caribbean Species Register", "source_taxon_key": "181871863", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Grey wolf, wolf", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "The Paleobiology Database", "source_taxon_key": "121511553", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116892115", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Checklist of Vermont Species", "source_taxon_key": "205802359", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "fra" } ]
#> 5  [ { "name": "Loup", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116906893", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Mammal Species of the World", "source_taxon_key": "100690180", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "United Kingdom Species Inventory (UKSI)", "source_taxon_key": "180180055", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Grey wolf", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Dog", "source": "Checklist Dutch Caribbean Species Register", "source_taxon_key": "181871863", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Grey wolf, wolf", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "The Paleobiology Database", "source_taxon_key": "121511553", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116892115", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Checklist of Vermont Species", "source_taxon_key": "205802359", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "fra" } ]
#> 6  [ { "name": "Loup", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116906893", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Mammal Species of the World", "source_taxon_key": "100690180", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "United Kingdom Species Inventory (UKSI)", "source_taxon_key": "180180055", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Grey wolf", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Dog", "source": "Checklist Dutch Caribbean Species Register", "source_taxon_key": "181871863", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Grey wolf, wolf", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "The Paleobiology Database", "source_taxon_key": "121511553", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116892115", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Checklist of Vermont Species", "source_taxon_key": "205802359", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "fra" } ]
#> 7  [ { "name": "Loup", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116906893", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Mammal Species of the World", "source_taxon_key": "100690180", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "United Kingdom Species Inventory (UKSI)", "source_taxon_key": "180180055", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Grey wolf", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Dog", "source": "Checklist Dutch Caribbean Species Register", "source_taxon_key": "181871863", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Grey wolf, wolf", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "The Paleobiology Database", "source_taxon_key": "121511553", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116892115", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Checklist of Vermont Species", "source_taxon_key": "205802359", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "fra" } ]
#> 8  [ { "name": "Loup", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116906893", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Mammal Species of the World", "source_taxon_key": "100690180", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "United Kingdom Species Inventory (UKSI)", "source_taxon_key": "180180055", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Grey wolf", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Dog", "source": "Checklist Dutch Caribbean Species Register", "source_taxon_key": "181871863", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Grey wolf, wolf", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "The Paleobiology Database", "source_taxon_key": "121511553", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116892115", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Checklist of Vermont Species", "source_taxon_key": "205802359", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "fra" } ]
#> 9  [ { "name": "Loup", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116906893", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Mammal Species of the World", "source_taxon_key": "100690180", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "United Kingdom Species Inventory (UKSI)", "source_taxon_key": "180180055", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Grey wolf", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Dog", "source": "Checklist Dutch Caribbean Species Register", "source_taxon_key": "181871863", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Grey wolf, wolf", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "The Paleobiology Database", "source_taxon_key": "121511553", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116892115", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Checklist of Vermont Species", "source_taxon_key": "205802359", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "fra" } ]
#> 10 [ { "name": "Loup", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key": "102114807", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116906893", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Mammal Species of the World", "source_taxon_key": "100690180", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Wikidata", "source_taxon_key": "Q18498", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "United Kingdom Species Inventory (UKSI)", "source_taxon_key": "180180055", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Grey wolf", "source": "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species", "source_taxon_key": "176684747", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Dog", "source": "Checklist Dutch Caribbean Species Register", "source_taxon_key": "181871863", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Grey wolf, wolf", "source": "Belgian Species List", "source_taxon_key": "100484681", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "The Paleobiology Database", "source_taxon_key": "121511553", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "", "source_taxon_key": "116892115", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Wolf", "source": "Yanayacu Natural History Research Group", "source_taxon_key": "119232422", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Checklist of Vermont Species", "source_taxon_key": "205802359", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Arctic wolf", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Gray wolf", "source": "Catalogue of Life Checklist", "source_taxon_key": "219030652", "language": "eng" }, { "name": "Loup", "source": "EUNIS Biodiversity Database", "source_taxon_key": "100979480", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Canidae", "source_taxon_key": "195656999", "language": "fra" }, { "name": "Loup gris", "source": "Mammals of the World", "source_taxon_key": "212436144", "language": "fra" } ]
#>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    taxa_reference_sources
#> 1  [ { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" } ]
#> 2  [ { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" } ]
#> 3  [ { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" } ]
#> 4  [ { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" } ]
#> 5  [ { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" } ]
#> 6  [ { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" } ]
#> 7  [ { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" } ]
#> 8  [ { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" } ]
#> 9  [ { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" } ]
#> 10 [ { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "180596" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "5219173" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" }, { "source_name": "Catalogue of Life", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon_key": "QLXL" } ]
#>    type_sampling          type_obs id_datasets
#> 1           <NA> human observation         728
#> 2           <NA> human observation         728
#> 3           <NA> human observation         728
#> 4           <NA> human observation         728
#> 5           <NA> human observation         728
#> 6           <NA> human observation         728
#> 7           <NA> human observation         728
#> 8           <NA> human observation         728
#> 9           <NA> human observation         728
#> 10          <NA> human observation         728
#>                                          dataset source source_record_id
#> 1  Données de localisation des grands mammifères   MFFP             <NA>
#> 2  Données de localisation des grands mammifères   MFFP             <NA>
#> 3  Données de localisation des grands mammifères   MFFP             <NA>
#> 4  Données de localisation des grands mammifères   MFFP             <NA>
#> 5  Données de localisation des grands mammifères   MFFP             <NA>
#> 6  Données de localisation des grands mammifères   MFFP             <NA>
#> 7  Données de localisation des grands mammifères   MFFP             <NA>
#> 8  Données de localisation des grands mammifères   MFFP             <NA>
#> 9  Données de localisation des grands mammifères   MFFP             <NA>
#> 10 Données de localisation des grands mammifères   MFFP             <NA>
#>    source_parent_event source_event                 geometry
#> 1                 <NA>         <NA> POINT (-78.1364 47.7067)
#> 2                 <NA>         <NA> POINT (-78.1842 47.6858)
#> 3                 <NA>         <NA> POINT (-78.1217 47.6561)
#> 4                 <NA>         <NA> POINT (-78.1575 47.6561)
#> 5                 <NA>         <NA> POINT (-77.5789 47.9661)
#> 6                 <NA>         <NA> POINT (-78.1744 47.6919)
#> 7                 <NA>         <NA> POINT (-77.5789 47.9661)
#> 8                 <NA>         <NA> POINT (-77.5789 47.9661)
#> 9                 <NA>         <NA> POINT (-74.1119 45.6703)
#> 10                <NA>         <NA> POINT (-77.7456 47.8189)

RAtlas functions expose Atlas data tables and related attributes. The observations table returned by the get_observations function already returns informations on the related dataset and taxonomy of an observations.

# Display first record as a vertical list
print(t(obs[1, ]))
#>                               1                                                                                                                
#> id                            150572996                                                                                                        
#> year_obs                      2011                                                                                                             
#> month_obs                     3                                                                                                                
#> day_obs                       29                                                                                                               
#> time_obs                      "NA"                                                                                                             
#> value                         1                                                                                                                
#> within_quebec                 TRUE                                                                                                             
#> variable                      "presence"                                                                                                       
#> variable_unit                 ""                                                                                                               
#> id_taxa_obs                   8420                                                                                                             
#> taxa_observed_scientific_name "Canis lupus"                                                                                                    
#> taxa_valid_scientific_name    "Canis lupus"                                                                                                    
#> taxa_vernacular_en            "Gray wolf"                                                                                                      
#> taxa_vernacular_fr            "Loup"                                                                                                           
#> taxa_group_en                 "Mammals"                                                                                                        
#> taxa_group_fr                 "Mammifères"                                                                                                     
#> taxa_vernacular_sources       "[ { "name": "Loup", "source": "Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS)", "source_taxon_key":" [truncated]
#> taxa_reference_sources        "[ { "source_name": "ITIS", "valid_scientific_name": "Canis lupus", "rank": "species", "source_taxon" [truncated]
#> type_sampling                 "NA"                                                                                                             
#> type_obs                      "human observation"                                                                                              
#> id_datasets                   728                                                                                                              
#> dataset                       "Données de localisation des grands mammifères"                                                                  
#> source                        "MFFP"                                                                                                           
#> source_record_id              "NA"                                                                                                             
#> source_parent_event           "NA"                                                                                                             
#> source_event                  "NA"                                                                                                             
#> geometry                      POINT (-78.1364 47.7067)

Filter observation request using any table attributes

Any request may be filtered using any data attributes used as a data column in Atlas. For example, we will filter the original_source column to get only datasets related to the Placettes-échantillons permanentes datasets. We will then use the id values of those datasets to return only observations with the specified id_datasets and for the taxa associated to the sugar maple Acer saccharum.

Different tables can be joined using the base pipe |> and dplyr functions.

# Get dataset and taxa records for which we will filter observations
pep <- get_datasets(original_source = "Placettes-échantillons permanentes") |>
  dplyr::rename_with(~ paste0("ds.", .x))
taxa <- get_taxa(scientific_name = "Acer saccharum") |>
  dplyr::rename_with(~ paste0("taxa.", .x))

# Filter observation request through `id_taxa` and `id_datasets` and year values
obs <- get_observations(
  id_datasets = pep$,
  id_taxa = taxa$taxa.id_taxa_obs,
  year = 2018:2021)

  "Found {nrow(obs)} observations between {min(obs$year_obs)} ",
  "and {max(obs$year_obs)}")
#> Found 1173 observations between 2018 and 2021

# Print map of observations using the package `leaflet`

# install.packages("leaflet")
coord <- head(t(sapply(obs$geometry, as.list)), 100) # Only 100 records shown
colnames(coord) <- c("lng", "lat")

map <- leaflet() %>%
  addTiles() %>%  # Add default OpenStreetMap map tiles
  addMarkers(lng = as.numeric(coord[, "lng"]), lat = as.numeric(coord[, "lat"]))