The function downloads and returns a list or dataframe containing a taxonomic description for each requested species where a row corresponds to an individual species. The function returns a dataframe for all species if no parameters are specified. The function filters returned taxa record by attributes corresponding to atlas table columns specified as parameters (ie. id, scientific_name, col, gbif, etc) with accepted values either being scalar or vector for single or multiple records

get_taxa(id = NULL, scientific_name = NULL, match_name = NULL, ...)



Optional. integer scalar or vector. Returns a dataframe for the taxon with the specified id


Optional. char scalar or vector. Returns a dataframe for the taxon with the specified scientific name


Optional. char scalar or vector. Returns a dataframe for the taxon with the specified scientific name or vernacular name. Vernacular names in french or english are accepted.


Optional. scalar or vector. Returns a dataframe filtered by the atlas taxa table columns specified as parameter


tibble with rows associated with Atlas data object


# Returns all available taxa records in atlas
taxa <- get_taxa()
#> Error in {    response <- postgrest_get_page(url = url, query = query,         header = header, page = page, limit = .page_limit)    postgrest_stop_if_err(response)    postgrest_resp_to_data(response)}: task 3 failed - "Failed to perform HTTP request.
#> Caused by error in `curl::curl_fetch_memory()`:
#> ! OpenSSL SSL_read: error:0A00010B:SSL routines::wrong version number, errno 0"

# Returns all taxa filtered by the column id values
taxa <- get_taxa(id = c(188, 201, 294, 392))

# Returns taxa record for the scientific name
taxa <- get_taxa(scientific_name = "Cyanocitta cristata")

# Return taxa filtered by the atlas table column `col`
results <- get_taxa(col = 35520954)
#> Error in httr2::req_perform(httr2::req_url_query(httr2::req_headers(httr2::request(url),     !!!header), !!!query)): HTTP 400 Bad Request.