Injection Atlas

See repo atlas-injection[] for examples

Step for injection

  1. Create dataset and inject in table datasets (if not already existing)
  2. Format taxonomy and inject in table taxa_obs (if not already existing)
  3. Create/format observations variables (occurrence/abundance) and inject in table variables (if not already existing)
  4. Proceed to general validation of the data (see below section)
  5. Retrieve datasets, taxa_obs and variables id (foreign keys) and inject observations data in table observations
  6. Create effort sampling variables and the effort itself and inject in table efforts and variables (if not already existing)
  7. Retrieve observations id and link them to the id_efforts of effort sampling for injection in table obs_efforts

Validation of data

  1. Convert coordinates to WGS84 first and to WKT (Well-Known Text) and drop rows where coordinates information is missing
  2. Verify that the observations are within the Quebec bounding box (either manually or retrieve the polygon from Atlas)
  3. Make sure that we at least have a value for year_obs and that month_obs <= 12 and day_obs <= 31
  4. If there is time information (time_obs), convert it to 00:00:00 format (H%M%S%)
  5. Can check for whitespaces within strings values

Question to clarify with data providers

  1. Clarify the type of data if unclear (occurrence, absence, abundance etc.)
  2. Clarify the projection and SRID of coordinates if not provided
  3. Clarify if there is any precision data on coordinates
  4. Clarify if there is any effort sampling information
  5. Clarify all the required datasets fields if they are not provided