Base de données Atlas

Atlas is a database for aggregation of biodiversity observations and time-series from multiple sources (codebase available here)
The database is dockerized in the coleo-api server.

Connexion à la BD Atlas

Sur le serveur coleo-api, dans le répertoire


On peut se connecter ne tant que utilisateur “coleo” (sudo su coleo) et ensuite taper ces commandes:

make build-atlas (Mettre à jour le serveur)
make stop-atlas  (Stopper serveur)
make start-atlas  (Démarrer le serveur)
make bash-atlas (Se connecter à bash sur le serveur)
make psql-atlas (Se connecter à la bd Atlas en tant que user postgres)

Python package dependencies

Some taxonomic features depend on the bdqc_taxa package, which is not available on PyPI. It can be installed from the git repository using the following command… TODO (in the docker?):

sudo su coleo
# Enter the docker
docker compose -f compose-atlas.yml --env-file .atlas.env exec db bash

pip install --upgrade git+

The database must be restarted after installing the package. TODO confirmer avec Guillaume

docker compose -f compose-atlas.yml --env-file .atlas.env build
docker compose -f compose-atlas.yml --env-file .atlas.env stop
docker compose -f compose-atlas.yml --env-file .atlas.env up -d

Database schemas overview

The database is organized in the following schemas:

  • public: contains the tables and views used to store biodiversity data
  • api: contains the tables, views and functions used to store and retrieve joined data from the public schema. This schema is used by the API.
  • data_transfer: contains the tables and views used to store temporary data. This schema may be used by users with read_write_all role.
  • atlas_api: contains the tables, views and functions used to store and retrieve joined data from the public schema. These objects are used by the API for the web atlas portal.
  • observations_partitions: contains partitionned tables used to store observations. Observations are partitionned by column within_quebec.
  • Deprecated. public_api: This schema is deprecated and will be removed in a future version and should not be used anymore. It contains the tables, views and functions used to store and retrieve joined data from the public schema. These objects are used by the API for the web atlas portal.

Roles & permissions

The database is organized in the following roles:

  • read_only_public: can only read unrestricted data from the public, api and atlas_api schemas. This role is used by the API for general public access.
  • read_only_all: can only read all data, restricted or not, from the public, api and atlas_api schemas. This role is used by the API for restricted access, such as for researchers and biodiversity quebec members.
  • read_write_all: can read and write all data, restricted or not, from the public, api and atlas_api schemas. This role is used by biodiversity quebec members to update the database.